Looking Back & Forwards!

Having yet another very busy week, not getting all the things done that I want to, trying to fit the time in to go to my hairdressers and the list just goes on, one of the things I have had to do this week was to write and let my niece know that yes I would be at her wedding in November.

As I sat and wrote I could not help but think how much my sister would have enjoyed seeing her daughter grow into a lovely young woman and then to find a special man in her life to marry, she also would have taken over all the wedding plans, she was wonderful with that type of event, we shared many things together and one was our love of horses, she of course had the real thoroughbreds, I on the other hand had anything with a tail and four legs but loved regardless, so their is an element of sadness about November as that was the month my sister died, but maybe now it will have happier memories as I watch Katy and Richard marry and pass all the love on to Katy that I know her Mum would have wanted her to have on her wedding day.

Talking of my love of horses made me think some of you might like to see my old horse who I lost several years ago but who I still love so much today she was such a good friend, I have also put up the last picture I had taken with my sister before she died and yes it is with her horse.


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