What A Way To Start Monday

I had quite a nice weekend, had Paige and Imogen over Friday night they went home Saturday afternoon and then our friends Simon and Sally came over for supper. Sally brought me a huge bunch of beautiful lilies and the meal I cooked went down very well, lots of good conversation covering everything from politics to children, so it was a late night. Sunday was very quite, a bit too quite for me but as I was supposed to be catching up on all my work should have been ideal, yet I just could not get my head into anything, John was busy studying so I had no one to talk to either. Early evening John asked what we were having for dinner I said I had roasted a Chicken I would cook a dinner but John did not fancy a roast so we ended up going to the local Chinese, we went in John’s car, as we set off I could here a strange noise which sounded like old bed springs when I asked him how long it had been making the noise he said a couple of days, but did not think to mention it!!!.

Bright and early 6.30am Monday I am outside greasing the springs of John’s car, as John only just knows where to put the fuel, I was underneath the car, John came and turned the car on so he could defrost his windscreen a minute or two later I started to cough by the time I wriggled out from underneath the car I could hardly get any air, carbon monoxide poisoning on a Monday morning not a good way to start the week.

On a better note though I had a really nice day at work with Paige today getting her used to being hoisted into her new chair which is not that easy as it has lots of supports to juggle around but we got it sorted nicely and then when I got home John’s exam certificate had arrived, very smart, for his foundation exam, just need him to get the practitioner now and the way he is working I know he will.

A quick get well soon to Mike in Hong Kong he had a rotten Christmas and may have to come back to England for an operation, so just to say we are thinking of you and Sally our good friends and hope soon things will be better for you. Just to let you know that the couple in this picture are Mike and Sally when they were in England late last year just before flying back to Hong Kong.


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