Such A Tonic

Chatting over the phone today to Joanne, when she told me she had been writing on her site and we started discussing several topics when she told me that she had featured Jordan’s latest antics, or should I say Katie Price.

Jordan is now taking part in cage fighting, well that vision made made me howl, as Joanne said how can anyone with boobs larger than their heads, even stay balanced let alone compete is such a physical sport.

We both agreed the amount of male attention to cage fighting might now hit new standards, but does the sport really need women with boobs falling out of bikini’s to give it an image, I could respect that she chose to enjoy the elegant world of dressage, although with her glittery ridding gear she somehow managed to look more like the rodeo clown than a competitor, which is a shame as she is a good horsewoman and I do not think cage fighting will do her public image much good, unless you a horny young stud.

My daughter is a real tonic to me as she feeds me with all sorts of intersting bits of gossip. cheers Joanne.xxxx


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