Update: I Am Back

The reason I have not updated my site is that I managed to break it, and my Darling Husband is working in Swindon at the moment and is to busy to fix it for me, so things will be a little hit and miss for a while.

There seems to be a lot going on and yet nothing of great news, as I said earlier John is now working in Swindon which an awful distance everyday but on the upside it is the poshest place he has worked, we are not sure how long he will be their as the contract is strictly speaking 4 weeks but they are telling him it could be a lot longer so we will wait and see.

Paige got her new eco buggy and it is great, she actually loves it which is good going for Paige as she does not do change, she can lie back in this if she is tied which she often is when we are out for the day, it also has extra padding on it so she is very comfortable, a very nice bit of kit.

Joanne told me about a Russian lady who dropped her child off at school today telling the teacher she had been told that she had to inform them that her child minder has swine flu but she had to dash as she had to be at work, leaving Joanne and the teacher gob smacked, needless to say the school were taking action but the question is, is it to late has this ignorant lady already spread the flu, lets hope not.

As I was watching the business news this morning they are telling us about the economic recovery that is taking place, but they did say that everyday people will not feel that recovery for another 12 months, industry first has to create the wealth that filters down so that life for all of us gets better, I always try to be the optimist so on that note I will say I am really looking forward to 12 months from now.

Just heard Swine flu is confirmed in the Woodford Valley, guess we must all be extra vigilant, if you see anyone displaying flu like symptoms send them home and tell them to stay there and ring the doctor, plus the usual things like lots of fluids, bed rest and paracetamol for aches and temperatures, if you do have to look after someone with the virus do wear a mask and gloves, and follow sterile procedures.


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