Burglars & A Family Day, What A Weekend!

Life is very much a roller coaster at the moment, I keep longing for some sense of normality to arrive so my life would settle to almost boring. We have had a rough time with poor Paige and she is now facing major surgery at the end of the year, the only thing we can tell ourselves is that she is not enjoying her life at the moment as she has so much pain, we are living in the hope that she comes through it well and will end up without pain. We do know that the recovery is going to be 3-6 months so this is not going to be a walk in the park.

We planned a family day for last Sunday and Joanne had her father and his fiance visiting so it was quite a crowd of us, everything was going to plan until the day before when burglars decided to pay a visit to the farm, which caused the expected amount of alarm. It was not what they took but the fact that this time they had come when the farm had a lot of people here and used bolt cutters to get into the sheds, on top of that I am alone here most of the week so not a good feeling at all.

Our family day was simply lovely, we ate outside in the old piggery, lots of good food and wine mixed with entertaining conversation. We then went around to the tennis courts and just about all of us ended up on the court for a bit of exercise, the younger children where happy on the trampoline. I enjoyed a little bit of rivalry with my ex-husband as we had a fun game of tennis together, It is so nice how we are good friends now and enjoy being in the company of him and his really lovely fiance Mary. The whole day was relaxed and a lot of fun. I am hoping things settle and we quietly get away for our family holiday in November and that Paige gets to have a nice holiday before her surgery, but I am sad that summer seems to have been and gone in the blink of an eye.


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